Employee engagement is a wide concept and including many researched ideas such as engagement, loyalty and additional role of behaviors  (Rupa,2017). An engaged employee always given meet the organization’s needs, takes initiative, energy and supports the organization’s culture and values, stays focused and vigilant, and believes they can make a difference (Macey, 2006).


In practice, organizations typically define engagement as being a biggest part of the organization, having more pride and loyalty in the company, being committed, and going “more and beyond the call of duty”. Kahn ,(1990) defined employee engagement as ‘The harnessing of organization members’ selves to their work roles.


Robinson et al, (2004) said engagement as one step ahead of employee commitment. They define employee engagement as a positive attitude of employees towards their organization success and its values, wherein employees have awareness of business context and work to improve job and organizational development.

Saks, (2006) define employee engagement as a several dimensions construct specified perceived management support, rewards and appreciations, procedural fairness, distributed  justice and perceived organizational support as the predictors of employee engagement. Bakker and Demerouti, (2008) in their model included work resources (e.g., autonomy and performance feedback) and personal resources (e.g., self-efficacy and optimism) as antecedents of work engagement, which lead to performance. Zhang, (2010) extracted eight commonly cited positive predictors of employee engagement from the literature that including,

  1.     Wide range of communication
  2.     Trust and integrity
  3.      Efficiency and commitment of the  Job
  4.    Effective and supportive line managers
  5.   Opportunities
  6.   Contribution to organizational success
  7.     Organizational Pride
  8.     Supportive colleagues


 Aon Hewitt’s, (2014) Trends in Global Employee Engagement Report defines that Managers play an key role in employee engagement and become the best employer company. They do this in direct and indirect ways. First, Managers have an indirect ‘multiplier effect’ on all the top engagement drivers and other best employer indices. Ultimately, leaders make the decisions on brands, performance goals, payments, communication to employees, work process and innovation.

Figure 1


Source: Nevile Wadia Institute of Management Studies and Research (2019)


As shown the figure 1.0 give a pointer to organization towards those aspects of working environment that require service attention if engagements levels are to be maintained or improved.



Aon Hewitt. (2014). Trends in global employee engagement. Retrieved 15 July 2015, from 2014-trends-in-global employee.


Bakker, A.B., & Demerouti, E. (2008). Towards a model of work engagement. Career Development International.


Kahn, W. A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 33.


Macey, W. H., (2006). Toward a definition of engagement. Paper presented at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.


Nevile Wadia Institute of Management Studies and Research (2019)


Robinson, D. Perryman S. and Hayday, S. (2004). The Drivers of Employee Engagement.

Rupa and Sivasubraniam, (2017). Empirical Study on Employee Engagement.


Saks, A.M. (2006). Antecedents and consequences of employee engagement. Journal of Managerial Psychology.


Zhang, T. (2010). The relationship between perceived leadership styles and employee engagement.


  1. Hi Upeksha, You have well identified the subject matter. According to many studies, a devoted employee would perform one step higher than the others (Robinson, Perryman and Hayday, 2004). Training and development increase the efficiency in operations, resulting in higher overall performance where ultimate outcomes benefit the employer (Nawaz et al., 2014). Further, Rawas and Seddaway (2015) stated that the capacity to encourage and inspire people so offering praise in feedback little and frequently builds an excellent leader (Rawas and Seddaway, 2015).

    1. Hi Nirmika thank you for the comment. Further Dave Root,(2019) stated that Organizations that focus on learning and development can make important strides in supporting both higher employee engagement and company growth.

  2. Hi upeksha, agree with you, adding to your points, Job enrichment and job enlargement also can be considered as factors of employee motivation. Empowerment helps to create autonomy for employees, allows the sharing of responsibility and power at all levels, builds employee self-esteem and energizes the work force for better performance ( Kumar, J & Kumar, 2017).

    1. Hi Dineth, agree with your valuable comment. Further Hitesh Bhasin,(2020) stated that job enlargement combining of different activities and the addition is done to exiting job profile so that the new job profile that is created is enlarged and covers both old as well as new work profile.

  3. Well explained. Moreover, according to the Vance (2006) Job and task design, Recruitment, Selection, Training, Compensation, Performance management and Career development. Will affect employees’ level of engagements.

    1. Hi Amila thanks for the comment. V. Kumar, ( 2015) Further defined that its well known that employees attitudes toward the organization have a significant effect on how they approach their jobs and how they treat customers.

  4. Hi Upeksha, agreed to your points. Adding to that according to (Armstrong, 2006) reward is anything that could retain an employee in an organization, it could be in the form of benefits, increments, training and developments or complements.

    1. Hi Lakshan. Thanks for the comment. Employee reward and recognition has been proven to improve organizational values, enhance team efforts, increase customer satisfaction and motivate certain behaviors amongst members of staff(Mary Jones, 2019).

  5. Good post Upeksha. Organizations are looking into new ways to keep and boost employee engagement. Organizations face a struggle in recruiting and training personnel, thus the business must do everything possible to retain them. Organizations must strike the correct balance between encouraging and increasing employee engagement while without undermining their competitive advantage (Knight, 2011).

    1. Hi Janakan. Thanks for the comment. when employees morale is running high, teams can accomplish anything. Employees are valued and have opportunities to grow, employees and managers are in harmony, and everyone is working toward a common goal (Shonna Waters,2021).

  6. Hello, Upeksha. I agree with you, and to add to your arguments, according to Kumar (2017),  job enrichment and enlargement can also be considered motivators for employees. Employee empowerment promotes employee autonomy, provides for the sharing of responsibility and power at all levels, increases employee self-esteem, and energizes the workforce for greater results.

    1. Hi Isuru. Thanks for the comment. Job enrichment is increasing the scope of jobs and engage employees more fully. This involves adding responsibility ; job enrichment involves making the work more meaningful (Fraser Shermen, 2021).


  7. Well-written article Upeksha. Furthermore committed employees give a big contribution to organizations because they perform and behave on achieving organization goals. Furthermore, workers who are committed to their organization are happy to be members of it, believe in and feel good about the organization and what it stands for, and intend to do what is good for the organization (Macey, 2006).

    1. Hi Dileep. Thanks for the comment. Committed employees are an asset to an organization and add value in more ways than one. They are supportive and very committed ,productive than non committed employees (Dan Marzullo, 2019).

  8. The drivers for engagement are industry-specific; for example, a study in the health care sector identified organizational culture, reward, working environment, training, HR practices, reputation and values, communication, and physical environment drivers (Suomi et al. 2021). A public sector study in India suggests that pay, job content, and objectivity are drivers of engagement (Mohapatra & Sharma 2010).

    Mohapatra, M & Sharma, BR 2010, 'Study of Employee Engagement and its Predictors in an Indian Public Sector Undertaking', Global Business Review, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 281-301.

    Suomi, K, Saraniemi, S, Vahatalo, M, Kallio, TJ & Tevameri, T 2021, 'Employee Engagement and Internal Branding: Two Sides of the Same Coin?', Corporate Reputation Review, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 48-63.

    1. Thanks for the comment Ravi. The main considerations for driving a positive managerial relationship are approachability, availability, trustworthiness and empathy. Having an understanding manager who looks out for your needs is perhaps one of the biggest employee engagement drivers (Rotageek,2021).

  9. Agreed with you Upeksha ,its really important identifying proper drivers which take place when considering the employee engagement.Crawford et al(2013) explained following drivers of employee engagement as well, 1.Job challenge 2.Autonomy 3.Variety 4.Feedback 5.Fit 6.Opportunities for development 7.Rewards and recognition.

    1. Thank you for the comment Manoj. In addition to a transparent reward system, It is also important to make regular recognition an everyday part of your working culture (Stuart Sinclair, 2021).

  10. Hi Upeksha, well explained, adding to that statistics have shown that companies with high level of engagement see their levels actually increase during tough times. It’s that idea of pulling together when things are difficult. Since the recovery through the last ten years, the companies that weren’t good at engagement are seeing their employees leave, because they weren’t engaged during the tough times (Allen 2007)

    1. Thank you for the comment ljaz. Employees who do not feel valued or respected in the workplace will leave. It is simply an issue that employees do not and will not endure to stay in a workplace (Katherine Elon, 2020).

  11. Hi Upeksha, Further would like to add as, learning and development of the employee, the working environment, fairness and safety, relationship with managers and sub ordinates, learning and development of the employees also being used to improve the employee engagement where the leadership, engaging leaders, integrity and the employee voice also can be considered as well (Khodakarami and Dirani, 2020).

    1. Thank you for the comment. The goal of Learning and development is to align employee goals and performance with that of the organizations (Immanuel Vinikas,2021).


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