Employee motivation was measured by using scale of Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory about motivation. (Jahagirdar, 2012) Key elements considered for Employee Motivation were basic needs (SELS), such as

  1.  Safety
  2.  Esteem
  3.  Love
  4.  Self-actualization.

Motivation is said to be a changing phenomenon, which means the type of motivation as well as the level of motivation varies (Ryan and Deci, 2000). McGregor’s, (1957 Perhaps the fluctuations in the engagement levels may be directly impact to the variability in motivation.

McGregor’s (1957) further describes work underlines the system of motivation. The variability of  motivational effects  is due to the change in employee expectations. When people seek for external benefits such as monetary rewards.

Existing employee engagement and motivation programs - Delta One Software Division, Chennai (Monika M,2012)

  1. Team outing Program   -  Every team of the organization plans for an outing which aims mainly at improving relationship among each and every team member. Certain funds are allocated to each team and the team has the right to use the fund in a productive manner
  2.  One- to -one help via online   - It is an online help center where employees can attend counseling sessions regarding work or personal life when they are in need.
  3.   International Meetings -  International meetings are held in different branches and departments of Delta One. Employees are choosing based on their performance in the organization during a specific time period
  4.   Part Time Education Guidance - When the professional courses is in alignment with business needs, Delta One provide this benefit of part time education policy.

                                                                Figure 1

Source -  Conceptual framework for Employee Engagement & Motivation


Figure 1.0 describes that factors affect to the employee engagement, such as employee commitment, Job commitment and employee engagement.

In addition, motivation is affected by personality characteristics, needs and wants, and even work strength , while generating various implementations  and attitudes, such as  Job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and  employee engagement. (Tziner et al,2012).


Conceptual framework for Employee Engagement & Motivation.

Jahagirdar, ( 2012).  Questionnaire on Employee Motivation

McGreogor, (1957). “The Human Side of Enterprise.”The Management Review

Monika Mohanan,(2012) Employee Engagement and Motivation.

Ryan, R. M., and E. L. Deci (2000). “Intrinsic and Extrinsic motiations: Classic Definitions and New Directions.”

Tziner, (2012). “Human motivation and performance outcomes in the context of downsizing,” 


  1. Agreed, well described Upeksha. Adding to that most important drivers of employee engagement that is often unnoticed is ensuring employees have all the right tools needed to succeed in their roles. These are the employees who possess both the psychological investment in their jobs and the resources to adapt to an ever changing business world (Silverman, 2004).

    1. Thanx for the reply Lakshan. Employee motivation, a widely researched construct, is defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience ((Locke & Henne, 1986).

  2. Hello, Upeksha. Employee motivation, according to Kistiio (2014), is the level of energy and passion that an employee gives to his or her employment. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation variables exist, and they differ from one person to the next. Employee engagement is a strategy that aims to provide a favorable working environment for all employees. Understanding the qualitative and quantitative interaction between employees and their workplace is more of a core idea.

    1. Work Motivation , as an umbrella term under the self determination theory (SDT), is usually broken down into two main constructs - intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation ( Ryan,2000).

  3. Hi Upeksha. Well written article. I would like to add an example. Google is recognized for providing its employees with the highest level of employee engagement (Rao, 2017). Free chef-prepared organic meals, free haircuts, free dry cleaning, gyms and swimming pools, video games, the ability to bring your pets to work, on-site physicians, sleep pods, subsidized massages, and many more benefits are available to Google employees (Krapivin, 2018). All of these advantages come at a cost to Google, yet despite this, the company is becoming more profitable and attractive every day.

    1. Thank you for the comment Gihan. The higher motivation and stronger engagement, can lead to higher satisfaction (Ita Mariza,2016).


  4. Maslow model is developed to explain human motivation and employees' personal development needs (Udechukwu, 2009). Accordingly, this theory is well explained by the Maslow pyramid. Maslow’s theory is very useful for understanding the needs of people at work. Further, the theory explained actions that can be taken to satisfy them. His theory also helps top managers to recognize that deprived needs may negatively affect attitudes and behaviors (Andreassen et al., 2010).

    1. Thank you for the comment Dileep. Engagement is an active agreement to do something for someone. Motivation is the will to do something, Both are critical to creating high performance (Ted Skinner,2021).

  5. Hi Upeksha, The focus of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is on the exploration of the seven levels of needs to strengthen the human desire to address people’s needs to improve their living conditions in various social settings in society. Abraham Maslow developed emphasizes that certain basic needs must be met before other needs can be considered in various communities.

    1. Thank you for the comment Thiloka. Maslow initially stated that individuals must safety lower level deficit needs before progressing on to meet higher level growth needs (Saul McLead, 2007).

  6. Hi Upeksha, Well said, The key to unlocking an employee’s full potential is creating a work environment where team members are both engaged and motivated. The two concepts often work hand-in-hand, but for best results, managers should distinguish between the two. Some management and HR strategies address both simultaneously, but to effectively execute these initiatives, you need to understand how engagement and motivation play out differently within your organization. (Sheron 2015)

    1. Thank you for the comment ljaz. Individual's motivation is influenced by biological, intellectual, social, and emotional factors. As such, motivation is a complex force that can also be influenced by external factors (Susan,2020).

  7. Well explained Upeksha, motivation can be categorized in to Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation which plays a major role in the context. individually motivated for rewards and believes by themselves can be defines as Intrinsic motivation such as receiving positive feedback from the supervisor, career guidance, honor or feelings (Deci,1973). Where working because the person will get rewarded or recognized through external factors can be defined as extrinsic motivation such as bonuses, awards, rewards (Reiss, 2005).

    1. Thank you for the comment. However, the very concept of intrinsic motivation has never really been consistently and critically discussed from a computational point of view (Neurorobot,2009).


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